AB&A Advocates

+356 2143 3000

Blk 29, No.9, Vincenti Buildings,
Strait Str, Valletta


+356 2143 3000


Blk 29, No.9, Vincenti Buildings,
Strait Str, Valletta

+356 2143 3000

Blk 29, No.9, Vincenti Buildings,
Strait Str, Valletta

COVID-19 – Legal Lockdown (Part VIII)

By Dr Rene Darmanin – Junior Associate

Until today, there is nothing unlawful in crossing the channel to visit Gozo.

This will change from Friday.

A few minutes ago, the Government published Legal Notice 118 of 2020, in order to regulate non-essential travel between Malta and Gozo.

Starting as from next Friday, 3rd of April, travelling between Malta and Gozo is restricted to those who need to travel between the Maltese islands for work purposes, to visit their family members or to those who need to travel between Malta and Gozo for medical reasons or to visit relatives which are currently hospitalised.

Visits for leisure or entertainment purposes, say for weekend breaks, shall thus not be allowed.

Persons shall also be allowed to catch the ferry in order to return to their ordinary residence.

Notwithstanding such restrictions, this order shall not apply with respect to those vehicles used for the transfer of goods between the Maltese islands or to render a service.


Disclaimer: This article is not to be considered as legal advice, and is not to be acted on as such. Should you require further information or legal assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us on info@abalegal.eu.