by Analise Magri – Paralegal The beneficial impacts of modern technology do not come as

Presidential Pardons, Explained
by Jacob Magri – Paralegal The terms presidential pardon or prerogative of mercy, commonly referred

Proposed Amendments to the Regime Regulating Pre-1995 Leases
by Celine Cuschieri Debono – Paralegal The main premise whenever discussing pre-1995 leases is that

Rent Cases in the Constitutional Courts
by Dr Carlos Bugeja – Partner; and Jurgen Micallef – Paralegal The right to property

Registration of a Condominium
by Dr Rebecca Mercieca – Junior Associate The Czech proverb “A good neighbour increases the

Saint Ivo of Kermartin
by Dr Edric Micallef Figallo – Associate In Malta, the 17th of December is the

Seventy-Six Centimetres – Excavation
by Dr Mary Rose Micallef – Junior Associate The two and a half feet or

Planning Applications: Third Party Rights
by Dr Carlos Bugeja – Partner For one to make a development, one has to

Controlled Deliveries
by Jacob Magri – Paralegal Over the years organised crime has become increasingly sophisticated. It